07 August, 2021



Paper birds: Phoenix

Werewolf-head sword-staff

Night sky

Indominus Rex

Sea creatures


25 March, 2021

Art Therapy

You should be free
But we aren't there yet. 
Free to run,
To sleep,
To be beautiful 
In your own skin,
To go to church,
To work,
To school,
To go grocery shopping,
To get a massage,
To create.

01 February, 2021

Don’t Look Back

In the past few years, we have had family, friends, neighbors and classmates affected by California wildfires.  When you don't know what to expect, what to start packing, or where you'll go, especially if you have littles to care for, there's a lot to figure out in a short amount of time.  

If the hills are on fire, if you're in the path of destruction, if you're in the midst of swirling chaos...

An angel shows up, specifically takes you by the hand, leads you safely out of a disaster, and says, "Run for your life!  Don't look back, and don't stop! Run for the hills, or you'll die!" 
- Do you just keep running for the hills until you are safe? Are you able to press forward, lean into the possibilities of everything ahead?  
- Do you take a moment to negotiate?  Your life has just been spared, and yet you aren't sure that you can endure any more. "But I can't!  I won't make it!  Can I just...?"  
- How far do you get before you wonder, " What just happened?"  Are you able to never look back?  Do you long for what you once had? What used to be?

I can't help, but find a little relief in Lot's story.  He needed a little nudging, a little hand holding along the way.

Do you need a moment to hesitate? In all of the chaos, do you just need to gather your wits about you?  To make some sense of it all?  To simply, just catch a breath?  A slow, deep inhale. And the gentle, patient release. 

You are allowed that moment of pause.

It's in that moment of hesitation that someone takes you by the hand, brings you out of catastrophe, to give you the courage to simply follow.  How much clearer does it get?  Am I riding on the faith of others?  Will I reach out to grab someone by the hand when they're stuck?  

I enjoy the fond memories of many trips and moments of joy teaching art to children around the world.  But even now, I also learn from what was, what happened or didn't happen. How things unwrapped and what resulted.  I could have ___.  I should have ___.  But don't get hung up on those moments. We're allowed to hesitate. To not know all of the best outcomes. Don't just long for what was lost or what once was. Don't stay in that place.  Look forward. 

I know that we are making the most of our time together, yet apart, quarantined through Covid-times. I know that this is cultivating a foundation for what is next.  But when it's time to run on my own, I don't want to look back or stop short. For now, I'm holding on in faith. Take a moment and grab hold!

19 January, 2021


Some people start with a vision board.  I usually steer clear.  But a magazine arrived, and I was inspired.  This turned into a lot of fun!  It was like crafting a puzzle, carving it into a dream for the year:

Because I was the only one who could help.  
foundational lesson: We need to listen carefully when Someone asks us to do something.
The inspiration to write my first 
expressions of connection 
writing skills that only I possessed.
discover a surprise gift instead.
You already know
lifelong dream 
... Is Coming!
anticipating it, but she wasn't surprised.
shared her story.
I'm an officer of content and engagement
create brave spaces
pass on core values
activates empathy
opportunities that others overlooked
time reading 
external beauty and strength are secondary to internal character and virtue. 
cherish your daughters as much as your sons, And teach them both to stand up for what is right and to be brave and not be out down. If at first you don't succeed, then you try and try again."
helping them gain a deeper understanding - the most important 
simply listening
thirst for 
and good. 
they didn't have all the ingredients 
and so they had to get a little creative. 
simply ask questions. 
move fast and pivot quickly 
- and do so in a way that is authentic and real. 
no surprise. 
The responses to these questions can lead to some pretty remarkable discoveries 
as they make crafts or holiday treats. 
asking questions is a profound way to grow and learn.
Goal #2: We want to support 
we are proud to help
The silver lining is that we have a better understanding of our strengths and how we can become even stronger advocates and allies
I have a voice, and I shouldn't be afraid to use it.  I asked for 
an even greater 
gave her actionable feedback on the spot, encouraging her to stick with it and keep writing.  She did.
Step by step, she has made a difference 
to action through her relentless pursuit of justice, 
reflection, and consideration. 
she was relentless
hope to learn anything about strength and courage from those who preceded her
We don't have to wonder whether our efforts have an impact.  
it is something all of us do without noticing.  notice


January 12
Second starts
require a perseverance when the power of courage calls. Relinquish the disappointment and the weariness. Don’t give in to the daunting loom of the unknown. The anticipation offers an opportunity for an even stronger stride, a clearer vision with a refined intentionality, and the grace with which to pick up and start again.
A focus undeterred and a destination chosen in an effort to thrive are the beginning of the next phase.
Look up.
Look forward.
Receive freedom to imagine