10 March, 2010

Lately and the Possibilities

Other than a month off for our wedding and honeymoon, we've been teaching KidsMosaic HD (grades 4 & 5). Every 3-5 weeks, we get to do a creative review. After studying the Word, we turn it into an art project or game and recap. It's a way to get tactile and kinesthetic learners (i.e. me) more deeply connected. It's a fun way for me to teach without feeling like I'm lecturing and making them read a history book. And, for the past 4 years, it's also been a good way to study it for myself.

In the past few months, our core team has expanded! More volunteers are popping up to teach and assist. This also means that we have sat in on the main gathering more often on Sunday mornings.

A few weeks ago, we sat in at the Pasadena gathering and listened to a talk about love. One of the points was "What are you birthing/creating together?", referring to a common mission. It stirred my core. I wonder about this vision that I was given seven+ years ago in contrast to my exploration since. Although I've partnered with at least 9 different teams in the past 4 years, it still seems like a drop in the bucket. It's as if the vision is still incomplete, not in quantities or even quality - just not to its envisioned capacity.

In the past few weeks alone, more inquiries and invitations have popped up concerning art camps around the world. And that's not to say that they hadn't earlier. But since last summer (Created to Create '09), I gave myself the grace and space to simply (or not so simply) transition into married life. And, yes, married life has been great!

As we grow, the vision transforms with us. The anticipation is exciting. The steps along the way have been engulfed with a peace that surpasses understanding. And so, just as we have in the past, we keep taking one step at a time into the deep unknowns of what's next. I'm still asking for discernment in determining which step to take, in which direction, and in clarifying the destination. And there are many possibilities: Burma, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Lebanon... Anywhere really. I'll try to keep you posted as it becomes clearer. Thanks for still supporting us through these many stages of limbo.

1 comment:

Enjoy grace! said...

nice post... Lebanon... that country has been striking my mind lately. interesting.