20 June, 2009

Passport Renewed

Yay!  I received my renewed passport via Express Mail today.  I had seen the new design of the passport, but now I have my own.  I am however sad that all of my used pages have disappeared.  The signs and marks of trips I've taken, or have attempted to take, all of the visas and country stamps that I received - gone.

Simple pleasures.  Bittersweet.

17 June, 2009

The Story of an Elephant

Sarah, our creative writing teacher, wrote a story about an elephant. It climbed into a tree to gain perspective. I hope you'll take the time to read it. Let me know if you'd like me to send a copy. I would be happy to! I think you will be inspired by it. I think you might understand a little more about me too. I'm really glad that Sarah is coming to teach about writing stories. I can't wait to see her script writing come together.

08 June, 2009

Created to Create

Our team:

4 from Los Angeles

2 from New York

1 from Kansas

1 from Arizona

3 from Indonesia

Our visit:

July 13-28

Our theme:

Created to Create

Day 1: I am created from God's imagination

Day 2: I can create from my imagination

Day 3: I choose to create

Our passions:

Creative Writing

Fine Art


Cards & Crafts



Our destinations:

WIS. International school

Rujak Berkah. An after-school program in the slum neighborhood

Seeds of Hope. Children's home