21 September, 2015

Project Love, part 4

Imagine having an elementary education, bring trained, in a place far from home, to become a teacher yourself. Muster up all of the courage you have to take a trip back home, to teach your teachers a new way of teaching.

We'd love for you to join us in supporting these teachers! From art supplies to plane tickets, the expenses add up. I couldn't be more excited for the adventure they're on, or more nervous for the risk they are taking! So brave. Berani sekali!

06 September, 2015

Bubbles. Bubbly. Bubble bubble.

"Clown fish sees a shark."

Bubbles. Bubbly. Bubble bubble.

"Clown fish sees a shark."


A work in progress. The scene was inspired by the book, "Fidgity Fish." Her clown fish was inspired by her prize from the dentist office.

05 September, 2015


Decided she wanted to make an elephant. She started by drawing the trunk. She cut up all of the pieces to be glued on. She decided where the glue should stop and start. I was basically only the muscle behind squeezing how much glue would come out.