21 March, 2008

Rainy season

Rainy season reminds me of a sprinkler system set on its timer. It doesn't rain every day during Rainy Season. Some weeks, it doesn't rain at all. Instead, it comes in spurts.

In California, when it rains, it pours, non-stop, for 3 or 4 days. The gray sky is filled with falling raindrops. You put on a coat, carry an umbrella and hop in your car to get from A to B.

Lately, storms come from 1-4 pm and, sometimes again, from 7-10. On lighter days, it might rain for just an hour, usually around 3 pm. When the clouds are gray and we're getting ready to ride the motorcycle, we wear rain coats, rain pants and slippers. The color of plants look more vibrant. Brighter greens and pinks stand out against the gray sky. In just a few minutes, it returns to clear, blue skies.

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