26 June, 2008

Not Saying Good-Bye

Said one final good-bye to the helpers. Bitter sweet. Enjoyed one
last visit with Polehan families. One last cream bath with hand and
foot reflexology/massage. One last dinner with live Indonesian music
- well, a lady singing in Indonesian. Took one last joyride with
Jennifer around town on our motorcycles. It was so great to go back
up to the top of the mountain where I first practiced to ride.

It's WAY early in the morning. We're struggling to wake up, if even
just enough to finish packing last minute items, grab a shower and
load the bus... We have 2 travel days, so hopefully a lot of time to
rest along the way!

My time with friends here has come to an end way too quickly. I'm
glad I think the last time I saw each of them, I didn't really think
it would be the last time. Lelly had Pandu draw a caricature of us.
Love it! Sorry, I already packed it or I'd post a picture...
Anyway, soon enough - you can see it in person.

25 June, 2008

Fresh Pumpkin Cookies

Some of the kids made fresh pumpkin cookie sandwiches for our last
day at Polehan - SOOOOO delicious!!!! I wanted to bring some home,
but without a freeze for 3 weeks - I had to pass...

So, for the time being, they gave me a couple to take home... Wow,
It's really my last day in Malang? It feels a little crazy. I think
tonight will simply have to be an all nighter...

Yesterday, there was a power outage. Our water tandon didn't fill
up. So we couldn't all shower or brush our teeth this morning. I'm
so spoiled, Pak Gaos was working at Charis and I just had to run over
to ask him to help - and he's a genius! It was fixed in less than 30
minutes, and so now that everyone's teaching, I will enjoy my last
morning, hot shower in Malang...

By the way - here's some of the awesome artwork that Rachel helped
the kids at Polehan create! LOVE it!!!!

23 June, 2008

Charis Day 2

There's nothing like having class outside! Olivia held her writing class outdoors! And Rachel had the kids begin self-portraits! It's a challenging feat, but I am eager to show you the results!

Dance wouldn't be dance if there was just one picture. Here they are with their choice poses. And then in the middle of a dance. Enjoy!

Sorry guys, I missed out on the music class. But you can see them yesterday: illuminateindonesia.blogspot.com PS: here's Ibu Eko, my Indonesian teacher. She's moving the day after I leave. She's moving to Papua where her husband is a teacher. It's been comforting to know that I'm not the only one in transition...

Good Morning to a Beautiful Day

It feels so good to be refreshed at the core.

Between the 5 of them, the house is filled with laughter. Sunneye and Garett fill the house with music. They're loving the kids, and I'm so encouraged to simply see how so much happens despite any effort on my part. After all this planning and organizing, I simply have to let go. It's a good place to be.

Today between Charis and Polehan, the 6 guests will study at my language school. Lidya, my travel friend, is going to teach them. She has so much energy, it will be great for them to be all together! I wish I could be a fly on the wall for that!

I'm so encouraged that they are eating what is provided while they're guests in other peoples homes. I'm so encouraged that even with the language barrier, they're reaching for new ideas to keep the kids captivated. I'm so encouraged to simply laugh so hard around the dinner table with friends.

The funniest, so far, has to be when Courtney says, "girl". There are no words yet to describe it. One of those things you simply have to be there for... If they make a video and put it online, I'll let you know.

It feels so good to return to so many cheap thrills.

yay team!

if people are interested, maybe you could go to
illuminateindonesia.blogspot.com - the team is visiting and here's
where you can learn more about what's going on - from different

it's been sooooo super great to have them here. Things I wish they
could be here for during a year: singing december songs around the
lit tree (yes, i still have it up hahaaha) and live guitar and
keyboard. heart songs I know.

and tons of laughter!

22 June, 2008

Getting Started

We're just getting started.  The team is teaching as I write. 
They've finished music and creative writing.  Now, they're teaching
art and dance!

Last night, Kid's Day went well.  We only had 7 kids, but it was so
fun for me to be there with them and their families.  I couldn't have
asked for a better way to spend my last Sunday with this community. 
I will miss them immensely.

I've been working hard this morning.  But this week will get easier
as we get into a groove.  I know that the kids who come are here for
a reason.  It's so great to have full classes! I've treated myself
to a root beer. Maybe later this week we can have a root beer float

20 June, 2008

How am I really doing?

For the next 3 weeks, every Thursday/Friday, I'll be in a different

In the mean time, I'm trying to finalize plans for these 3 weeks,
woke up with 7 spider bites on my face!, and leave in 3 hours to pick
up friends at the airport!

Trying to stay under the radar, just to get rested up before life
changes all over again. It's been a low-key week. I've spent some
quality time with close friends this past week. It doesn't feel
chaotic, trying to meet with people before I leave. I guess it'
helps that everyone's away for summer vacation...

Last night, I went to get new glasses. Sounds silly, but I have gone
3 years with a single pair. Not only have I not lost, nor broken
them, but my prescription hasn't changed! Way kewl.

Hoping my swollen, contorted face returns back to normal for some
simple comfort.

19 June, 2008

Two Days

Reuniting with friends from Cali!!!! Super excited!

It's a refreshing thought in the middle of chaotic details. Trying
to organize the details has been a feat! It will be good to see if
I've really planned as well as I have anticipated necessary. If not,
I'm sure you'll read about some great stories!

Some moments, though, still keep me grounded to things that matter
most to me. My heart it stronger, yet still able to melt and be
torn. It is human again. Not rusted, covered in cobwebs, shattered
glass, nor hardened crystal. It's been a healing process. I feel

14 June, 2008


I wanted to go swimming today, but the Samoffs are in town and I
wanted to make sure they could get into the house okay. But then, it
started raining anyways! It's not pouring, but still.

The Samoffs came early today. They're so cute! Corey said "Some
people think Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, but it was a lucky
day for me!" I asked him why - because he got a few chances to play
badminton with kids in his village! I think he and Luke, his dad,
are going to practice if they can find the other racket. We're
finally getting used to each other here, and I can hardly believe
this will probably be their last weekend here before I take off. So

Well, maybe if everyone's sleeping in next Sunday after their
arrival, I can go swimming one last time at my favorite pool. That's
the plan! Though, I'm secretly hoping they are all awake by 9 so
that we can go together!

Safari Park (Taman Safari)

I went with Iin, Karen and Maria. Pah Anugerah drove us in our
private car through the safari. These are some of my favorite
shots. We had camels, elephants, and a handful of other animals come
right up to our window. Elephants vacuumed up peanuts out of our
hands! And then we went to meet the baby zoo again - these guys grew
since the first time I went!

13 June, 2008


Tonight was Charis' graduation night. It was the first ever
graduation for grade 6 (SD = Elementary) with grade 9 (SMP = Jr. High)!

Grades 1 and 2 did the Joy Dance. The choir sang a few songs. There was a butterfly shadow show which turned into a dance, with live music. The junior highers (SMP) performed drama and songs. And graduates receive their diploma and graduate stole. It went was great to be a part of the ending of the school year.

10 teachers/staff are leaving. It feels like so many, but I guess I don't have much to say since I'm included in that number. It hasn't really hit me yet that I'm leaving. But there were sad good-byes tonight.

These were the teachers who were new with me this year. We met at teachers training last summer. We would hang out in their classrooms each morning, and then I would sit in for training even though I couldn't understand the language. I'd go missing for an hour or two - to study language. But then we'd eat lunch together. And now, I'll be arriving home the week they have teachers training for the next year. It's all just bittersweet. But we made it through the year.

I was sitting there watching the program, wishing that I had gotten to know kids better or hung out with teachers more. But the voice that has been calling me out here reminded me that I am here for other reasons. And for me, those reasons are just as attractive and necessary. It's just great to be reminded that I am where I'm supposed to be and doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

And because smiles make things all better: here's Lelly taking some snacks home for her sister and housemates! Each attendee received a box of snacks and a cup of water. We had a bunch of extras! Here's what's inside (minus the water, I was ultra thirsty!).

12 June, 2008

I Found Prince Charming!

(I knew that could catch your interest!)
I found a frog in my bathroom last night. I shouldn't be totally
surprised, it has been raining the past couple days. There's a door
that goes directly outside to the backyard from the bathroom, so I
just escorted him out. He was a good handful-size... Not that I
picked him up.

Searching for a Kabaya

Lelly and I spent 3 days looking for an outfit for graduation.  After
hours and hours of walking around, we have finally settled on outfits
we like.

For graduation, we're supposed to wear a white kabaya with a batik
skirt.  Which means that it's a pretty formal occasion.  A kabaya is
a traditional top, generally lined with some sort of lace fabric.
Which, I'm usually not a fan of... But, I love it!  I decided to get
a kabaya designed when I have more time, and for now, just borrow one
from Iin. It's simple, but way cute! But I did find a great batik
skirt! It has bamboo on it! It's navy, but with traditional yellow
and browns in it. Hand beading carefully outlines the bamboo and
birds, and is fabulously coordinated with yellow beads! And the
bottom edge is scalloped. Cheap thrills, I can't help it!

Ladies get their hair and make up done.  Vine's hair stylist will
come at 10 AM to get started!  Graduation isn't til 5:30.  I'll
probably get there about 4 to help set up.  Hoping it doesn't rain
tomorrow. It's rained the past couple days.

Siapa mau latihan Bahasa Indonesia?  Hanya tiga hari yang belum
latihan dan saya sudah rindu itu!  It's like a secret language...

09 June, 2008

Random Rain

What was the weather like for you today?

I woke up to a black out. It carried on for most of the day. It
randomly rained. And then the power came back on. I guess it's
supposed to be normal. I've heard that the government started having
rolling blackouts to keep the costs down after the rise in gas prices.

I've started to pack up.
1 week with the team here
1 week in Kalimantan
1 week between Bali and Malaysia
Returning to the states
And trying to keep it all within the new airline luggage regulations
is quite a task.

I've been getting compliments on my Indonesian. It seems more
frustrating for others at this point because they are just starting
to understand me now. Plus, I'm feeling comfortable to talk more,
too. But they all know I'm going home in a month. I can understand
most of what they say now - even my friends who talk fast. C;

Maybe my time in the states will let it sink in even more. Hopefully
I'll still be able to use my Indonesian again, especially if I return
in October.

05 June, 2008

A Full Thursday

Full of Heart:
The past few weeks, I've been working with kids at Polehan on their
final art project.  Each child sews yarn around a felt heart, one
heart for each letter in their name.  We sew them together and they
glue sequins onto spell their name.  It's a lot tougher for some of
the younger kids.  But it's great practice for hand eye coordination
and teaching a practical skill all in one!

Full Stomaches:
Lelly was stuffed after dinner last night - so I told her I would
bring her dessert after school today.  I went by, but she was
elsewhere on campus.  I ran into Danny - and gave it to him.  I ran
into Elok working on final grades.  So, my second round, I brought 2,
one for him and one for Lelly.  Frans and Doan tasted Lelly's and
their eyes grew wide.  I had to run to the market for some more
chocolate and strawberry ice cream though.  Then time for a third
round!  And, of course, I couldn't walk by the satpams (security)
without them noticing - rounds 4 and 5!  Marti took note and I will
be making a delivery tomorrow after their soccer game.  I ran out of
whipped cream, but we can make a run to the market tomorrow.  In the
mean time, I made 2 boxes of  Chocolate Jell-O Pudding for whoever
else is playing tomorrow.

Full House:
Jennifer invited us over to play Nertz at her house.  But there were
9 of us and expecting more, so we moved to my house!  It was so fun
to have everyone over and to be able to host again.  And yesterday,
Ibu Darmi made banana muffins, so it was a great snack while we were
throwing down cards!

04 June, 2008

Lasagna and a Mouse

Lelly and I went shopping at the new mall - it opened last week. The
inside looks similar to American Malls.

We made lasagna for dinner. She loves lasagna and wanted to learn
how to make it herself. She said she loves American food! C:

But then, we saw a huge black mouse/rat scurry thruogh the kitchen!
I've never seen a mouse in the kitchen! It freaked me out and was
rather disgusting.

Can't say that I killed it or did anything. Hoping the helpers will
catch it tomorrow... Hoping C;

Anyway, the lasagna was delicious! We enjoyed a few episodes of
Friends. We had to skip out on banana splits because we were full
and she had to get home while public transportation (angkots) were
still running. So, we'll enjoy them tomorrow after school.

01 June, 2008

Balekambang Beach

What a refreshing afternoon! We took yet another road trip! This
time, a group of 4 motorcycles traveled to the Malang Beach, Bale-kam-

We played games and had a picnic. We walked across the broken bridge
to the temple and climbed over rocks where the fresh water joins salt
water. It's the weirdest, mix! Warm and cold water all in the same
area. So fascinating! And then we buried Ayub and Lidya in the sand
as Romeo and Juliet. We ended with a water fight!!! It was fun!
But after half a day in the sun, I was about to fall asleep coming
home on the motorcycle!

Tonight, Brenda flies back. Here's a shot from one of our photo
shoots around town. See how quickly you can identify her!