01 June, 2008

Balekambang Beach

What a refreshing afternoon! We took yet another road trip! This
time, a group of 4 motorcycles traveled to the Malang Beach, Bale-kam-

We played games and had a picnic. We walked across the broken bridge
to the temple and climbed over rocks where the fresh water joins salt
water. It's the weirdest, mix! Warm and cold water all in the same
area. So fascinating! And then we buried Ayub and Lidya in the sand
as Romeo and Juliet. We ended with a water fight!!! It was fun!
But after half a day in the sun, I was about to fall asleep coming
home on the motorcycle!

Tonight, Brenda flies back. Here's a shot from one of our photo
shoots around town. See how quickly you can identify her!

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