02 February, 2007

Not Understanding

I officially decided that I would go for one year in October. I thought I would go home and spend the next month building relationships before my departure, working on my correspondence and preparing to move. Instead, I spent the following month and a half sick in bed. I did eventually get my first correspondence out in late November. I was better for the holidays. That was a precious time to enjoy. I'm so grateful to have been well through that time! When I began working on my January letter, I got sick for another week and a half. I did complete that letter! In three and a half weeks of being well, much has been accomplished. And much more accomplished without my help! As my friend Jane says, Peppermint Patty is starting to come back. I am sick again. Learning much about managing time, balancing the urgent with the important and all together preparing, there is so much that I *want* to do. For now, it looks like much rest will be most of what I *need* to do. I'm not sure how it will all come together, but it makes sense only with Someone else being in total control: paving the path before me, walking with me, and, for me, entrusting what is after me.

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