13 June, 2008


Tonight was Charis' graduation night. It was the first ever
graduation for grade 6 (SD = Elementary) with grade 9 (SMP = Jr. High)!

Grades 1 and 2 did the Joy Dance. The choir sang a few songs. There was a butterfly shadow show which turned into a dance, with live music. The junior highers (SMP) performed drama and songs. And graduates receive their diploma and graduate stole. It went was great to be a part of the ending of the school year.

10 teachers/staff are leaving. It feels like so many, but I guess I don't have much to say since I'm included in that number. It hasn't really hit me yet that I'm leaving. But there were sad good-byes tonight.

These were the teachers who were new with me this year. We met at teachers training last summer. We would hang out in their classrooms each morning, and then I would sit in for training even though I couldn't understand the language. I'd go missing for an hour or two - to study language. But then we'd eat lunch together. And now, I'll be arriving home the week they have teachers training for the next year. It's all just bittersweet. But we made it through the year.

I was sitting there watching the program, wishing that I had gotten to know kids better or hung out with teachers more. But the voice that has been calling me out here reminded me that I am here for other reasons. And for me, those reasons are just as attractive and necessary. It's just great to be reminded that I am where I'm supposed to be and doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

And because smiles make things all better: here's Lelly taking some snacks home for her sister and housemates! Each attendee received a box of snacks and a cup of water. We had a bunch of extras! Here's what's inside (minus the water, I was ultra thirsty!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Charis' on graduating. I wish I could better remember my 6th grade graduation.