- a part-time job to "pay the bills" (until this full time job can sustain itself...)
- wireless internet to the current house.
- personal boundaries for my own sanity/needs.
- October trip to return to Indonesia.
- home art gallery: the next attempt to communicate about my trip.
Tonight, Tammy didn't even say hi before she enthusiastically said, "Welcome back!" She sat on the stairwell with a friend and in quick passing, shot a smile and one of the worlds best acknowledgments my way. Absolutely refreshing! The thing is, I met Tammy literally a couple weeks before I left for Indonesia. We had a quick conversation, and she asked me to paint. With that opportunity, I painted a confusing piece. (I've since tried to paint over it. Still in progress.) But it stirred up within me something that needed to be brought out. So, I began to paint in Indonesia.
Amazingly enough, that brings me to the art gallery. A series of paintings created during my time in Indonesia. Private openings by appointment only. (I'm already a stationery snob. Now just add to that - art snob.)
Hear the stories, see the artwork. Never thought this would be such a big deal, but it feels good. Haven't finished a painting of my own in the last 6 months. But we've gotten kids to get their hands 'dirty' - that's what matters.