01 August, 2008

Simple Comforts

So the night I left Malang, I found an envelope on my dining table.
It was a letter from Ibu T. with a picture of Lina. I reread and
translated most of it this afternoon.

I've been sick for a week, so I did all of this from my bed. I'm
reminded of Lina and how I miss having her peek in as I "work" from
the comforts of my room.

She's started Kindergarten at Kidsland last month! As of when I
left, she didn't have school shoes, nor a school bag. With now 3
kids in school, it's a financial crunch for the family. Both mom and
dad are working and they take any extra jobs we can offer. They're
super friendly, so that just makes it easier.

I miss their company. The last time I saw Lina, I left her with
paper and asked her to draw for me. Jennifer brought over a stack of
my stuff, including the picture Lina left. It's got to be weird back
at that house now. But maybe since Lina's at Kidsland, she'll have
more creative stimulation packed into her day! Good thing I know the
teachers and leadership there are amazing! Afterall, I helped train
them. ahaha

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