30 April, 2009

When a Plan Starts to Come Together

Or rather, when your dreams start to become actual plans... that is where I am.  After 6  months of anticipating a return back to Indonesia, it looks like a plan is forming.  It's taken a lot of patience for me not to let go of the dream.  It's not funny - how quickly it all snowballs together.  I wish I could plan months in advance, to know all of the ins and outs.  But life simply happens.  There's no way I could control it all, and there's no way I would be able to enjoy it to the fullest if I tried.

For now, we're collecting donations of dry, watercolor paints and anticipate going to Indonesia at the end of July.  We're fundraising, yet again, and brainstorming for our 2nd Annual Creative Arts Camp in Indonesia. 

Rujak Berkah, the "Fruit Salad" after-school program @ Polehan has grown.  They now include 15, 3-5 year olds.

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