22 May, 2011

Traffic vs. Insomnia

Dear Insomnia, I want to break up...  Jetlag isn't fun any more.  I know I have an eventful day ahead of me, yet I cannot make myself fall asleep!

I can hear the party going on two houses down - still.  They've been partying since 5:30 p.m.  This reminds me of the Indonesian wedding.  Granted, we didn't have soundproof doors, nor double-paned windows in Indonesia.  But there was someone singing karaoke for all of the neighborhood to hear when most would have rather been sound asleep!  And although it is a traditional invitation to the neighborhood in Indonesia, I doubt my neighbors are actually inviting me to join their late night activities.

While I'm still up, here are a few images from Indonesia.  Today's theme: Traffic.

Here are a few things you might find in Indonesian traffic...

- Motorcycles galore!  Everywhere you look, motorcycles, motorcycles, motorcycles.

- Motorcycles weave in and out of traffic at any chance they get.  Especially during a traffic jam, you'll be sure to find motorcyclist squeezing through every open space to inch their way forward.

- It's very common to find 3, 4 and even 5 people on a single motorcycle in Indonesia. Poor kid is sandwiched.  Having to hold on while catching some z's = nearly impossible.  His face expresses how I feel about now - I just want to sleep...

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