27 March, 2007

The Strength of Friends

Some friends, you can hang out with multiple times in a single week. And some, you can see just once in a long stretch of time. Still, in those moments, you connect. Sharing dreams and disappointments, hopes and reality, strengths and struggles. How encouraged I am to be surrounded by friendships such as these. To learn about what others encounter and to share what I have encountered - all within the same amount of time, I am in awe. The strength within my friends astounds me. And not that it is all that surprising, but they empower me by the lives that they live. I watch, observe and wonder. How do they do it? How encouraged I am that they endure all that they do, and still thrive. I struggle with the little things I see and fight through the things I cannot see. Yet they have a faith that surpasses mine. They exemplify this amazing sense of hope, of strength, of courage. I am greatly encouraged.

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