19 January, 2008

The Details

What'd you do today? Really. I wouldn't mind if you sent the details.

I'm homesick. My comfort food - spaghetti. I have that here. Kaylor and I had spirals, but with Ragu sauce and Kraft Parmesan cheese.... delicious!

I miss the streets. I miss the sidewalks. I miss the position of the street lights. I miss the flow of traffic. I miss the neat lines of traffic - the fact that people notice the lines and stay between them. I miss skinny pedestrians on the pedestrian crossing signs. I miss dressing up for a night on the town. I miss voices and faces of people from home. I miss the variety of foods for dinner. I miss wearing short sleeves and not having to worry about insect bites. I miss the illusion of less pollution. I miss a cell phone plan that I don't have to refill. I miss being there for the bits of life. I miss cracking lame jokes and laughing at myself with people who get me... at least some times.

It is hard to change everything all at once. I'm good here, taken care of and surrounded by a great community.

But, now, this is my home. I have so much awaiting the 6 months ahead. As hard as it is tonight, I'm sure it will be worth it... But I still miss home.

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