25 February, 2008

At Last

Last night, I finally got a restful night of sleep. This morning, I was determined to have a better week. I was reminded to maximize my time here, but, also, not to be overwhelmed or consumed with what people's expectations are. There are so many opportunities. It's okay to be choosy about which ones I take on. After a series of earthquakes hit the Richter scale at 5.0+, all within 24 hours, there was a tsunami warning for the island of Sumatra. I'm on the opposite end of the island from Jakarta, so there was no threat for us. The warning has since been lifted. http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/02/25/indonesia.quake/index.html Here's a cute Clara video with K and D, filmed by friend Eka, with his wife, Jennie, and their son, Norman.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-hcXxWZyu4

1 comment:

Ekaputra Tupamahu said...

Hi Leela,

I found this weblog when i was googling Donny and Kaylor's daughter this morning. Anyway, it seems like you really enjoy your time here in Indonesia. It is good to know you. Yesterday i uploaded a video of Clara Martha to youtube. I wonder if you have seen it. Here is the link:


I have my own blog also where i continuously post my thoughts and reflections there (http://tupamahu.blogspot.com/). May God bless you.

best wishes,