27 October, 2008

Awake again at 4 am...

15 hours of sleep. And then a night of none at all. If I could make
myself stay asleep tonight, that would be fantabulous! I got 3 hours
and am wide awake. Thanks jetlag.

I wish I had a clearer picture of the future, but for now, the dream
- to travel
- to various places around the world
- at least once a year
- taking people interested
- to share their gifts and passions
- with others around the world.

Some people call it mobilizing. Some people say connecting.

Kids, moms, artists, friends, teachers. Doesn't really matter to me.
Indonesia, Lebanon, Japan, Thailand, South Africa. Doesn't so much
matter either.

'Mau ikut' (Want to come along/follow/join us)?

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