15 October, 2008

I'm really back!

Kim and Ethan were on the same plane landing in Indo with us. Kaylor
and Clara came with Pak Anugerah to pick us up. We sat through
traffic from the mud flood. The dirt walls are built higher than
when I left since the sulfuric mud continues to flow uncontrollably.
We stopped in the humidity to eat lunch at the Palace, KFC. We came
home to Totok and 2 dogs. Showered and refreshed, we met with Merro,
Juliana, Wenny, Pak Bambang and their 3 girls, Gabriella, Karen and
Renee. It finally hit us that we were here/back. Kaylor Selfie and
Nat joined Merro, Totok, Ange and me for dinner. We had gado gado
for dinner - delicious!!!! We fell asleep by 7 and woke up about 12
hours later.

Simply loving it. It's 2 weeks out of town, but really only one week
in Indo after all of the travel days. So that's a bummer, but we
will maximize our time.

We study Bahasa (language) at 9:30-11. Get picked up at 11:15 for
Polehan. Eat lunch with the staff. We have 2 hours with the kids'
regular program. From 3-5, we're on. It's super exciting to see
Ange's face light up as she hears about these connections and the
potential that it has in lining up with her passions.

Dinner with Kaylor, Merro and others. Then, we'll have a movie
night! We will need the down time. It's already Thursday here!

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