25 October, 2008

Trip Successful

Though we are really only semi-debriefed, we count this quick trip a
success. Ange got to teach. The moms were receptive. The kids got
to explore art with new materials. I saw the house that needs much
repair - the main beam is rotting away. We visited with co-workers.
Met new staff. Caught up with friends. Rode the ankot. Visited the
children's home. Met another Leela in this world (a British girl from
Malaysia). Relaxed a little in Bali. Ate bakso, soto ayam, sate and
gado gado. Went to an Indonesian/Chinese wedding. Shopped at the
grocery store around the corner. And had Avocado/Coffee/Chocolate
shakes, watermelon juice, mango lassie and water from a plastic
wrapped cup.

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