21 July, 2007

Peanut Butter Toast


July 22
When I was growing up, I would visit my grandparents for a week
during the summer. There, I especially loved breakfast. We would
add a soupspoon of sugar to oatmeal. That's my favorite place for
the perfect waffle recipe. And, we would have peanut butter toast.
My grandpa would bite it into the shape of a dog. It would bark and
run around. And then, he would bite the head off. It was hilarious
as a kid! It still makes me smile now. The memories, the love, the
simplicity of childhood.

My cousin and I would look through pennies to find old ones made
before 1940. My grandparents had a 5 gallon water bottle for pennies.

The internal process: MUFHH by OC: July 22.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

:) makes me feel sentimental.. we need to compile a book of memories...