07 April, 2011

Friday = Hari Jumat

Losing track of days: I know we're only here for a few weeks, so I want to maximize the time we have. Still, with 4 different teaching schedules in front of us, I can hardly keep track of what day it is!
It will be easier once we're in a steady teaching pattern next week. I'm excited to return to the kids at the after-school program. Their numbers are 1/3 of what they were. But more kids might return if they know we have a special program for them. Hopefully Yolanda and Juliana will also be able to join us for the week!

Adjusting to the sounds: Yesterday afternoon, they put up a "wall of speakers" at the nearby intersection (2 houses down). From about 4 until after midnight, they blared music - loud enough to set off multiple car alarms. It's in celebration, probably for someone's wedding.

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