24 April, 2011

See you later

Tuesday through Saturday:
I spent a few days with Billy, Christine, Everett and Elijah (ages 3-5).  I love getting to be a part of their development: from learning how to be a good leader or a good friend to learning how to paint a car or draw a rainbow!  I can hardly wait to show you their art gallery! 

It was especially fun to meet and hang out with SJ, J&K.  I hope I get to run into them again.  Meeting so many people who live such fluid lifestyles is such an encouragement.  I really enjoy being around them, learning about and from them.

Lydia waved and said "See you later!" when we were leaving.  I don't know many, if any, who love goodbyes (particularly not knowing when I might get to come back).  So to see her precious smile send us off, it's the simple things I treasure.

"Earthquakes, Zombies and Greater Things" Mt 28: Can I imagine doing even greater things than miracles I've only heard of?
It was fun to come back for the annual brunch.  It was fun to catch up with even more families.  A highlight seems to have been singing Bob Dylan.

We're back to traveling tomorrow and Tuesday.  It will be good to rest while we can before a long flight home or childcare round 2.  But even that's with friends in Bali, so I'm not complaining!

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