09 April, 2011

Staying Connected

We've had a few days with a lot of down time.

Friday we only had one class - my mom introduced hula.  The kids (mostly physically-active, 1st-grade boys) loved it!  For many of them, it was their first time dancing.  

My first helper now works where I'm staying.  It's been fun to see her and her 2 girls - a 2-year old and, Lina, now in 2nd-grade at Charis. Lina and I used to paint after Kindergarten class before I had to teach.

Saturday, we spent the day shopping for supplies that we will use in the coming 2 weeks.  We rode the angkot (public transportation, the size of a minivan) around town and got home with time to rest and before the rain poured.  I hadn't realized how close and accessible places were.  3 years later, I'm still figuring out how to get around.  And so, I've learned of the MK route - which takes me to many of my favorite places!  For next time, I know of a great coffee shop.  The coffee is delicious!

It's now Sunday.  It's been a beautiful day.  But I can feel the clouds moving in, and I hear thunder in the distance.  We'll hang out and go to Wendy's tonight.  It'll be good to reconnect with even more friends!

My US phone doesn't work here, so we got a super cheap one to use for 3 weeks.  It's been hard to connect with people without a phone, but we've still managed to fill up the coming week and a half with plenty to do!  We'll give the phone away as a starter phone for someone who's coming to live here in July.

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