16 April, 2011


We rented a car (including the driver) and took a road trip with friends to the beach.  The extended minivan comfortably fit 10 of us.

The name of the beach "Ngliyep".  Even Indonesians struggle to pronounce the name.  But definitely a spot worth visiting.  They're already planning a trip to camp there during dry season!

From one stop, we were able to explore 4 different "beaches", as there were 4 different outlets.  In the first, we settled under the shade of trees and enjoyed lunch.  

In another, we  explored the tidepools and a treasure trove of shells.  If I could show you the size of the shells I found, it's quite impressive.  Not only in how large, but also how tiny!  We found hermit crabs of all sizes and a walking starfish, too.

The third alcove was simply a great place to hang out in the water and have contests to see who could stay under the longest.  I could only enjoy the company and burst into laughter.   

And in even another, we we swam over coral.  We could see the water streaming out from the land, rushing over the sand, in scallops toward the ocean.  It's amazing the things I see in nature!

We climbed up the "mountain" - to the top of the rock.  But since it's been rainy season, the trees had overgrown the highest viewpoint.  Still, walking up, it was quite a sight!  (Too bad my camera battery was charging at home!)  Even just from the middle height of the rock, we could see how other rocks in the middle of this ocean made the alcoves.  The water would rush over the bottom of the rocks, where tidepools had formed.  The water would recede and hundreds of mini waterfalls would flow.  Stunning. 

A day in the sun, beautiful blue sky, warm beach water (compared to cold waters in California), and fun friends!  What a life.

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