02 September, 2007

Captured Bali Encounters

A surprise "romantical" dinner down an alley road in Ubud. Ambiance, delicious drinks and great company from Australia to Los Angeles... What more could I ask for?

We had come from visiting the Monkey Temple. The monkeys go bananas for bananas, of course. They may look harmless, but I'm sure Eileen would say differently!

Sometimes, we encounter divine appointments, and we don't even realize the power and freedom that comes along... That's how I'd sum up my conversations with Marta.

Now, Sierra - I can't really explain it, and I don't think she could either. But I think I'll remember those laugh attacks and the random English pronunciation as just a part of her week. That, and fireworks on the beach!

And of course, a walk on the beach. Thanks for making the time, Hana. Ahhh, what I wouldn't give to have a house on the beach...

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