03 September, 2007

My language tutor and roommate

So it's about time I show you more pictures of people in my everyday
life. And so, one of the first that I have is a picture with
Juliana. She's one of my 2 housemates. She likes to think she's
about 17, but she's older than me. She likes artsy stuff, but she's
not totally girlie. She gets spurts of energy from food and loves to
sleep. And she loves chocolate.

In April, she moved to Malang from the other side of the island. The
cultural differences are just as East - West Coast, N. - So. Cal,
East L.A. - West L.A. So we're both going through culture shock and
adjusting to life here.

She's the editor of the new Charis magazine. She loves to interview
people. So far, we've travelled to Kalimantan with Christal and to
Bali, twice. Pictured: We were on a becak (bay-chak) in Kalimantan.

Monday through Friday, she's my language teacher for 2 hours a day.
When we're finished with work, we usually have dinner at the house
with Jennifer.

We attempted to watch Spiderman and had banana splits for dessert.
(I asked Ibu Tatik, our helper, to buy bananas. She bought over a
dozen big ones! Looks like I'll be having bananas with my cereal,
fried bananas and banana smoothies this week!)

Starting this last week, she'll be going with me to the English
celebration on Sundays.

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