10 September, 2007

Kaki Naik! (Get Your Feet Up!)

Selamat Malam! Hari ini saya belajar naik sepeda motor!
(Good evening! Today, I learned to get on the motorcycle!)

Ok, so my Indonesian could use some help. But today, September 10, 2007, I conquered the beginning of riding the bike! That is, the motorcycle! I could use help going up hill, down hill, crossing intersections and turning corners. I don't go more than 25 kilometers per hour. And my hands were sore. BUT I rode into the sunset today.

It was probably only an hour long. Jennifer took me up the hill to a quiet neighborhood - except for the masjiid close by. We rode by the "carnival house" and a house that reminds me of the mansions on Oak Knoll in Pasadena. It could be a school or office building; it took up the entire block!

A few ladies came out with their babies. A couple men were washing their car in the driveways. As I would pass by, neighbors would offer their advice, all in Indonesian. But as much as I wanted to ask for one of them to just jump on and show me how to ride, Jennifer insisted that I learn to ride alone.

One man was out there the entire time I was riding. Just as I would get the hang of it, he would remind me to sit up or put my feet up. It pushed me to trust his advice. And it made it easier each lap around the street. And...

I could ride two entire blocks, even checking for traffic at intersections!

No burns, not a scratch.

That's the highlight of my night... I've had many highlights throughout the day.

Hope your bleary-eyed mornings turn into a bright-eyed beautiful day! Sending smiles!

1 comment:

Me said...

yea! look at you, learning how to ride a REAL bike -- totally bypassing the ancient motorcycle and going straight for it! perhaps by the time you get back I'll have learned how to ride a trike... or maybe not... love ya.