20 October, 2007

Cultural Interpretations

When the first words out of a man's mouth are, "Hi! I'm interested
in you," you kinda have to take a step back. For a man in America to
say this to a lady, it would come across as very forward. She,
positively flattered, might respond, yet taken aback. In a new
culture, you have to take even another step back and think, "What
does he really mean?" (Well, I guess you really wonder that in the
states, too!) Pam, Merro and I got a great kick out of that one,
especially when he introduces himself as "Risky."

We had a great time swimming and enjoyed eating at their #3 Chinese
restaurant for dinner. It's fun to meet people who, 1) when they
need to relax or release tension, also love to swim, 2) love jazz and
have similar music taste and 3) are free to laugh and smile a lot. I
found out that they are the 2 who started the language center where I
met Ibu Eko! It's definitely been fun.

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